Saturday, February 03, 2007

Hella' Fun

This weekend, well the whole week for that matter, was amazing. I'll spare you all the insignificant details and just start with Friday. Had test in both Numbers and Polynomials and Differential Equations. The Numbers and Polynomials was definitely the easier of the two. The test concisted of six questions and we only had to write proofs for five. However, if we choose to write proofs for all six he would choose the best five to give us credit for. The questions came straight from the book and other exercises that were covered in class. I am so glad that I not only did the proofs before they were covered in class but I also rewrote then when they were done by the professor. The Differential Equations test was also pretty easy, but sadly not as easy as the previously mentioned test. There were eight multiple choice questions and one open ended questions. The open ended on was easy, considering that he even told us in the previous class where it would come from. The multiple choice questions were also easy but I took my time because I didn't want to loose point for misbubbling or anything of that sort. There was one question on the multiple choice section where the answer I got was different from any of the selectable answers. Luckily I was able to just take the answer choices and just plug them (thanks to 4dyce) and use the other information provided by the problem in order to find the only solution that would work.
Later that day I went to Riker, I think, and played some pool with Jarred, Trina, Andrew, and Justin. Since most of us hadn't eaten since noon, and it was now about eight, we choose to go get something to eat. Once they food had entered our respective digestive tracts the real fun began. Bowling was comparable to an acid trip, ok really I don't know because I don't do drug but you get the idea. Jarred and I tied for second with a score of 109, he almost beat me but couldn't knock down that last pin. Then Andrew on his last chance decide to show us up and get a 112. So the game took longer than expected, as a result we missed the movie that we had originally planned to watch. At midnight Lance, Jarred, and I met some girls, I only remember 3 names, and we played Apples to Apples until about 3. Later back at my dorm I watched part of Ice Age 2, pretty funny.
When I finally woke up it was time to do some work so I shall spare you all the details of the hardcore study time. Finally it was time for the CASA Chinese New Years Event. The acts were amazing I am glad that I had the opportunity to attend. For personal and security reasons I will have to refrain from disclosing any of the events that took place at the CASA after party or what I did after that. However, if you would like an idea I guess you could go to facebook. Holy shit it is only Sunday. Well I woke up at 2:00pm. and spent the whole day studying and reading not much else went on.
Monday: I got a 50 on my Numbers and Polynomials test from Friday. Hell Yeah! Just so you know, the test was out of 50 so I got an 'A' not an 'E'.

That is what I would look like if I ever choose to make a guest appearance on South Park. Ask my sister if you would like the website to find out what you would look like. I would like you to know that you will not look as good as me, so don't be too disappointed.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force

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