Sunday, November 02, 2008

Minor Incidents

Well I have decided to tag a Computer Science minor to go along with my Mathematics major. After this semester is over I will only have 4 more CS classes to take before I have completed the minor, this basically comes down to 1.3333... CS classes per semester. The classes I have to take are; Applications of Discrete Structures, Intro. to Computer Organization, Data Structures and Algorithms, and Operating Systems. Due to prerequisites I will be taking the fist two next semester, then Data Structures fall of next year, and finally OS my last semester (because this seems to be the most difficult of the 4 and I would rather not to have to worry about it while working on graduate school applications).

I came to this decision after realizing that there weren't any outside of major classes that interested me, other than Economics, Finance, or CS. Honestly, I find all these disciplines to be just as interesting and rewarding. However, what made me choose CS was the kinds of people that would be in the classes. In my experience most of the people in the Economics or Finance classes don't seem to have any interest in the subject and are only there because they have to take it for the major. In addition they constantly complain about the work and other consequential details about the class. While the CS majors are very adamant about their classes and willing to learn. Also there isn't as much complaining about the class (unless it is to say that they aren't learning enough or that it's not challenging enough).

In addition to the above issues there are some other personal "problems". Now that I think about it problems really isn't the most appropriate phrase to use. Here is the general overview: A little while ago (2-3months) stopped talking to one of my friends because I felt used. A few days ago I was pretty bored and lonely (most everyone I knew was out of town) and I considered giving them a call. After thinking about it I didn't mainly because I would feel that I was using them, and that's just something I refuse to do, even to someone I no longer care about. Well I care about them but it is basically at the same level I care about a complete stranger. The day after this happened I talked to one of my friends and basically what I remember from the conversation was this, " will constantly be filtering people in and out of your life. It sucks at time but it is just something you have to learn to accept."

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