Sunday, June 28, 2009

I'm Not Into Dating

Below is and edited version of a conversation I found.

(05:48:36 PM) Person1: wow. yeah, I've been there. I dated a guy last year who wasn't "big on relationships"....which I discovered was code which really meant "you're not worth me making a big deal out of what we have". Once I realized that, I wasn't sad to see him go
(05:49:11 PM) Person2: oh wow never though of it that way
(05:49:16 PM) Person1: if someone doesn't think you're worth dating officially, then they're not worth you wasting your time over them.
(05:50:38 PM) Person1: yeah. Even farther back in time, a few years ago, I was one of those people. It wasn't that I didn't want a relationship, because nobody is going to turn down a relationship with the person that they think is right for them. The fact is that I didn't like the guy enough to commit to him.
(05:51:52 PM) Person1: [EDITED], but learn from my mistakes: get rid of this girl and don't waste more time on her, time that you could spend finding a girl who treats you well
(05:52:54 PM) Person2: wow that was really helpful. more so than the usual "move on/get over it" from others. thanks
(05:53:10 PM) Person1: you're welcome, I'm glad I could help.

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